Producer Ferapontov began negotiations with composer Anna Vitenbeck

Producer Ferapontov began negotiations with composer Anna Vitenbeck Am I a music producer or not? The rumor that producer Ferapontov is in Israel is slowly reaching the Israeli music community. Although many people are understandably not up to it now. — and so the ISRAELI TRUTH announces the beginning of cooperation with Anna Vitenbeck. Anna Witenbeck […]

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Producer Ferapontov and realtor Nirman. The first negotiations of 2024! at the same time, they noted it!

It’s still the holidays, so you can have a little drink… then there will be a lot of work and there will be no time for that. In fact, we have such a meeting. We discussed our common affairs with the Israeli Truth project. We drank to the new Year. The founders of the project, […]

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producer Ferapontov.The last interview of 2023. Ferapontov Vladimir.

TVladimir Ferapontov is one of the founders of the VERY BUSINESS PEOPLE club, the CIGAR LEAGUE and the ISRAELI TRUTH. A music producer from Moscow who has been living in Israel since 2023 Interview-teleconference with New York – about yourself – about music – about the war – about the Israeli Truth and how to […]

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About how producer Ferapontov went to war to Israel

VIDEO   A fascinating story about how producer Vladimir Ferapontov went to Israel and ended up in the war! Tired of telling my friends the same thing. As it turned out, not everyone uses social networks, and not everyone read my reports from the road. Three days and two nights, and before they flew there […]

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producer Ferapontov. Israel Cigars Club is Open

– the site is under reconstruction

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We open new project IZRAELSKAYA PRAVDA

We’ve started a new great project! In order to run into full force, we are going to devote 90% of our time to its development, and it will run next spring 2024 Despite the project title, we are not intend to drive you into communism era and any of its relation. Simply we’re going to […]

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producer Vladimir Ferapontov has opened a website in English

producer Vladimir Ferapontov has opened a website in English You already know that I travel the world a lot. It’s probably no secret to you that Russian websites open poorly abroad, and they don’t want to speak Russian even in Turkey and Israel anymore. We are currently working on a new website. link to the […]

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producer Ferapontov discussed collaboration with DJ Ozer

A very business meeting🤘. Produced by Ferapontov and DJ Ozer. Discussed further plans for cooperation Track by Andrey Aleksin performed by Ozer…. –

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producer Ferapontov. co-authors of the ISRAELI TRUTH project Alexandr Nirman and Vladimir Ferapontov met

Authors of the ISRAELI TRUTH project Alexandr Nirman and Vladimir Ferapontoff met in BatYam and discussed the current situation in the country and issues of project development. Let us remind you that with questions and proposals for cooperation, you can contact us by phone and WhatsApp +972 58-600-4755 +972 52-306-6888

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